Recently, we were alerted to the Coronavirus Outbreak in the region of China, Singapore, Philippines, etc.

Coronavirus is a common type of virus that causes an infection in the nose, sinuses or upper throat.

As a result, the Port of Maputo, in coordination with the Health Authorities, considers that it will be prudent to implement measures to protect workers and other users of the Port against exposure to the threat posed by visiting ships in the face of the emergence of the Coronavirus outbreak.

The following procedure was designed to prevent the spread of any contagious disease. The quarantine period is 14 days.Terminals are often the first point of contact in the country and should consult with local port and health authorities about the protocols to follow. If no guidance is provided, the following steps must be taken:

  • Pilots or any other authorized person, before boarding the ship, must contact Port Control and confirm that the “Free Practice- Free Practice” has been received and also inform about the last ten (10) Ports of call of that ship .
  • At the time of embarkation, the representative of the Health Authority or authorized persons should ask the Captain to confirm if someone on his ship has signs of the Coronavirus.
  • If the Captain reports such cases, the local Health Authority must be contacted and immediately referred to the Mavalane Isolation Center.

1.   Symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Throat ache
  • Headache
  • Joint pain
  • Nausea and / or vomiting and diarrhea
  • Shortness of breath
  • Pneumonia
  • Nasal bleeding
  • Renal Insufficiency.

2.   Precautions to be taken to prevent infection and spread of the Coronavirus:

  • Wear a face mask and hand gloves;
  • Do not remove gloves when shaking hands with the crew from the affected areas;
    Wash and sanitize your hands frequently, using gel with alcohol or soap and water;
    Avoid consuming food and other products from the affected areas. Gifts / offers involving food should not be accepted;
  • Avoid contact with people who show signs and symptoms indicated above;
    Do not use the facilities (bathroom) on board;
  • Do not make contact with body fluids;
  • When coughing and sneezing, cover your mouth and nose in the fold of your elbow or tissue – throw away the tissue immediately and wash your hands with soap and water or alcohol gel;
  • If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention in advance and share your past travel history with the Port Clinic/ Health Authority;
  • All transfers of crew outside the port of the affected areas must be carefully examined. No crew may be removed from a ship without obtaining authorization from the Maritime Sanitary Authority;
  • The Port’s Health declaration must be completed and is required for all transfers outside the Port area;
  • All medical evacuations on board ships from those in the affected areas must be examined by the Maritime Sanitary Authority before disembarking;
  • The ship’s Captain must confirm in writing if any searches for stowaways were carried out when leaving the last port of call. A search for stowaways can be requested to be performed when docked at the Pier. Ships must bear the costs of using companies / specialized/trained entities in search of stowaways on board ships;
  • All ship’s captains must report stowaways aboard the ship. The ship must remain anchored in the waiting buoy until the clandestine people are examined and released by the Health Authorities assigned to the Port;
  • Strict surveillance must be maintained at all times on the ship’s access ladder;
  • All ship waste from the affected areas must be incinerated on board and will not be accepted ashore.

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